"Kay" <nospam@nospam.net> wrote in message news:Qk2Fa.18$6W4.31935@news.uswest.net...
> In article <365fcc52.0306082248.ac7b784@posting.google.com>, kaz@ivebeenframed.com says...
> >
> >"Supertech" <ejone1@austin.rr.com> wrote in message news:<s1MEa.119859$u
> >i.7702022@twister.austin.rr.com>...
> >
> >> First of all, if you read any Korean history book, there is no name Ja
> >pan.
> >> Their official name was "Wae" meaning "Midgets".
> Supertech, the Korean history books called them
> "Wae" in the past in derogatory way.  That does
> not mean Koreans were superior to the Japanese
> but Koreans were childish to call others with
> derogatory names.  Koreans should be ashamed
> of their behavior, not proud of it!
> >> Skilled engineers were low class people in Chosun dynasty. 
> And you are proud of it?  Think what Korea would be
> today if the Koreans treated skilled engineers in
> high regard.  You are proud of your ancestors'
> shameful behavior!
> >Hey Supertech, thank you. You explained all those Korean's despising
> >attitudes against the Japanese. And that is EXACTLY why I am blaming
> >the Koreans considering and treating us as "Midget Barbarians of Wae"
> >as Ethnocentric Self-Conscious Racists. And that's why I'm blaming
> >Korean education that teaches every Korean kid with such ultra Korean
> >supremacist and racialist's history book to make every Korean kid to
> >despise and look down on the Japanese. The Koreans are merely a Nazi
> >of East Asia.
> kaz, while I cannot condone Koreans' attitude against
> Japanese, you and Japanese are equally quilty of the same.
> For how long have Japanese despised Koreans?  For ages,
> Japanese called the Koreans "senjin" in derogative way.

You accuse me but it's wrong. I had not been despising them until I
found out the fact that Koreans extremely despise us a few month ago.
As a matter of fact, I didn't know the term "senjin" until recently.
Nobody around here uses that term. Actually I first heard the term
from a guy from Kobe in fj.soc.politics about a year ago. He called me
"senjin". I'm from Amagasaki that is in the same prefecture with Kobe
but those two cities are diametrically different. Amagasaki is an old
castle town that a Tokugawa's vassalage was the clan of it, and the
Tokugawa side including Amagasaki was the enemy of Satsuma and Choshu
clans that had built the pseudo-Western imperial Tokyo regime of
Meiji. So the people in Kobe, which is a city that the Meiji regime
had built, still extremely look down on us just because we are not
westernized. They claim we are a kind of Koreans just because we are
traditional Japanese that belong to Asian civilization thus the Kobe
guy despised me as "senjin". Tokugawa side clans are very friendly to
Korea. Amagasaki clan was the one that held the receptions of Korean
messengers to welcome in Osaka in the Edo Era. Also Tokugawa shogunate
is the one that ruined the ugly Hideyoshi who had invaded Korea. Osaka
had been under control of Tokugawa, not by ugly Hideyoshi's
descendants. Those Kobe folks despise us because we were friendly to
Korea. So I have no obligation for being blamed about calling Koreans
as "senjin".

Actually, I think those terms are only used in Kobe and Tokyo. 
That is a completely unfamiliar word to me at all.

> Japanese history books are full of spinning as far as
> her relationship with Korea is.  

Blame it to Kobe or Tokyo, not me.

> I visited Osaka Castle a few years ago.  The exhibit 
> shows clearly how they were proud of their ransacking
> Korean Penninsula during the 6-year war some 400 years
> ago. 

But Hideyoshi had already ruined by Tokugawa soon after that. And
please don't say like Osakans are proud of Hideyoshi because no Osakan
cares about that kind of things today. Osakans only care about money.

Osakans at that period were also the victims of Hideyoshi. They had
been forced to move to a new town Osaka from Sakai. And of course we
Amagasaki folks don't like Hideyoshi because his boss Nobunaga also
acted atrocities in here. Nobunaga had slaughtered many people here.

> During the occupation of Korea, they tried their best
> to destroy:
>    Korean history - they disallowed teaching Korean history
>    Korean language - they disallowed Koreans speaking Korean
>    Names - they forced change names in Japanese style.
> and every which way.  My grandfather died in prison for
> teaching Korean history, language, and songs to Korean
> children.
> Only recently the emperor acknolowed his ancestry to Korea,

But don't blame him. The emperors after the Meiji era were just some
doll of imperial Tokyo regime that Satsuma and Choshu had built. They
are actually pathetic. They weren't allowed to speak about their
ancestries by the imperial Tokyo regime.

> and the negative reaction by the Japanese like yourself
> was disgraceful.

Because I don't like Koreans who are extremely offensive to us, are
extremely despising us. What's wrong with it? Why can't I have any
right to dislike them while Koreans are hating me and us like hell  ?

> While I am not proud of supertech's rantings, you
> are no different from him in essense.  It's like
> a kettle calling a pot black.
> >Nevertheless, we ain't any "Midget Barbarian" and the Koreans have no
> >right to treat us like slaves.
> No Koreans treat Japanese slaves.  "Midget Barbarian"

It's not true. Many ethnic Koreans in Kansai are assholes treating the
Japanese as slaves. They insist that they are "sangokujin" and they
are the winners of the war, then treat us like slaves violently.

> is a derogatory word used by the likes of supertech.
> Nothing to get excited about.

Offensive Korans all look like Kim Jong Il to me, though.