On Mar 15, 12:42 am, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CL wrote:
> > Prophet of the Way wrote:
> >> New Narita Express cars will start service in 2009.
> >>http://www.jreast.co.jp/press/2007_2/20080202.pdf(J text with picture.)
> > It looks as though JR East is getting incredible mileage out of that
> > locomotive body design.  Its the same one they use for the Azuma
> > (Shinjuku - Kofu -Matsumoto), Wakashio (Tokyo-Awa Kamogawa), Fresh
> > Hitachi (Ueno - Hitachi), and a lot of other special express trains
> > around Kanto.  Standardization probably reduces equipment acquisition
> > and maintenance costs.  It would be nice to see that reflected in lower
> > fares.
> I used the Narita Expres once. Then I discovered how much more
> convenient the Keisei line is. Faster and much cheaper, even for
> the Skyliner.

Depends where you live. For us out on the Chuo-line, the Narita
Express might well be more expensive, but it's far more convenient,
especially with bags to lug around within awkwardly designed

Coming back from Narita (when time isn't such a worry), the Limo buses
are better.

> --
> Jim Breen        http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/
> Clayton School of Information Technology,
> Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia
> ジム・ブリーン@モナシュ大学