CL wrote:

>> 4. Narita Express runs will increase.
>> Two runs will be added in each direction.
> Two runs a day?  Only?  To <-> From which stations and Narita? 
> Ekisupaato doesn't seem to know.

Shinjuku  10:08, Shinagawa, Tokyo -> Narita Airport 11:29
Shinagawa 12:23, Tokyo -> Narita Airport 13:29

Narita Airport 10:43 -> Tokyo, Shinagawa 11:53
Narita Airport 11:45 -> Tokyo,  Shinjuku, Ikebukuro 13:19
                        & Shinagawa, Yokohama, Ofuna 13:37

Official timetables:

> I hope that the extra income will allow JR to give some of those Ne'x 
> trains a good derusting, scraping, and a new coat of paint.  Some of 
> them are looking extremely grubby with bubbling paint and rust spots the 
> size of my hand.

New Narita Express cars will start service in 2009. (J text with picture.)