Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<7ou3evov8vgajiflm9is11ivq7g6vh9n7q@4ax.com>...
> On 7 Jun 2003 07:24:52 -0700, mukade@gaijin.co.jp (mukade) belched the
> alphabet and kept on going with:
> >Michael Cash <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<3pe3evs0gkc7au5prjcctvorm5l9vjcnj4@4ax.com>...
> >> 
> >> I have just visited the site and read a few of the rants. I am highly
> >> distressed by them. Previously, I had thought fjlij to be the center
> >> of activity for maladjusted gaigins. That supposition has been
> >> shattered beyond repair.
> >> 
> >
> >Mike, you must lead a sheltered life up there.
> I don't know any gaigins in real life up here, maladjusted or
> otherwise.

Saying that, the most maladjusted in fjlij usually aren't gaigins.
