On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 19:41:27 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
<ginstrom@hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>"Brett Robson" <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote in message
>> This is what he is responding to
>But actually, his making himself the subject of all these episodes, even the
>video shop where he was clearly not involved, does point to a bit of
>O'Neil just needs to learn better pantomime, and he'll be fine. For
>instance, speaking of convenience stores, the other day I managed to
>pantomime, "whatever sauce you stick in those sandwiches, don't put it in
>mine anymore. The last sandwich I ate here gave me the shits something
>BTW, I seriously hope you just recently stumbled on this article, and
>haven't been planning your scathing attack for the past year.

I have just visited the site and read a few of the rants. I am highly
distressed by them. Previously, I had thought fjlij to be the center
of activity for maladjusted gaigins. That supposition has been
shattered beyond repair.


Michael Cash

"My name is Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht."

                                Elmer J. Fudd
