necoandjeff wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>I expect Kevin would accept the former as a valid reason why this is
>>>none of his business. After all, he has made it abundantly clear how
>>>much of the business of foreigners U.S. politics is. And, as you
>>>point out, it is absurd to consider the killing or euthanizing of a
>>>newborn as a form of abortion,
>>I can't believe I whooshed you, of all people, with my use of
>>"abortion" in this case.
> How was I whooshed exactly? Before making my point about abortion and
> women's bodies, I was trying to point out the obvious fact that the argument
> doesn't really apply because this isn't abortion. Brett alluded to this in
> his post but went on to make the "woman's body" statement anyway.

The whoosh is that I don't consider it to be an abortion, either.

>>I suppose women shouldn't have an opinion about laws that require
>>fathers to pay child support, either. A man's wallet is none of their
> I'm beginning to see why you hate argument by analogy so much, you suck at
> it...

I'm not making an analogy. I am illustrating a logical progression. The 
point is that the law says that whether or not a woman carries a 
pregnancy to live birth is 100% her choice. Why should someone have to 
pay for something that he has 0% say in?

"This is the best election night in history."--Democratic National 
Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Nov. 2, 2004, just before 8 p.m. EST