"Hallvard Tangeraas" <inv@lid.email>, haber iletisinde sunlari 
> mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net wrote:
>> Hallvard Tangeraas <inv@lid.email> wrote:
>>> >> I'd like to know more about how life is in Japan for
>>> >> non-Japanese: the good and the bad, and what you're
>>> >> comparing with.
>> OK, everything's smaller; chairs, bus seats, etc. Seems trivial, but it
>> wears on you after a bit.
> I expected this as well when I visited Japan, but didn't find it to be the 
> case, and I'm not tiny either (pretty slim I guess but about 1.8m tall). 
> What are you comparing with -which country for example?
> I'm from Norway.

Well, everything in Europe is small too. So forget about this comment of 