Don Kirkman wrote:

> It seems to me I heard somewhere that Kevin Gowen wrote in article
> <>:
>>Don Kirkman wrote:
>>>I always react automatically to the "Oriental" discussions, since the
>>>late Edward Said, in proposing that it was a bad thing, was writing
>>>about the Near East ("Oriental scholars" were those 19th/20th  century
>>>dudes who were digging up Egypt and Troy), and IMO a handful of folks
>>>tried to appropriate it to the Far East as well.  Within my lifetime I
>>>continue to hear a fair number of ethnic Asians calling themselves, each
>>>other, and their enterprises "Oriental" without either regret or
>>>recrimination, right here in little old California.
>>They obviously learned how to speak English from hicks.
> Cute, but off the mark.  Some of those ethnic Asians come from ancestors
> who have been in California since the mid-1850s, many since around 1900,
> and tons since 1954.  Many are professionals with college degrees.  But
> you knew, or reasonably should have known, that.

Fancy book learnin' or not, them folks is hicks.


- Kevin