"Brett Robson" <info@secret-web.com> wrote in message
> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> > "Brett Robson" <info@secret-web.com> wrote in message
> >
> >>Don't panic
> >>though, very bad Japanese can work very well, not sure why.
> >
> >
> > This is kind of a universal. When I lived in Panama, the easiest way to
> > up girls was to use pidgin Spanish.
> >
> Would "hasta la vista" work?

There's a fine line. It has to be very bad Spanish, but at the same time
fluent enough to work out a few details.

Something like: "Perdon, usted bailar conmigo?"
"Usted muy guapa. Usted darme el numero de telefono. Yo llamar usted.
Nosotros ir a la playa."

> A cringe worthy experience is while waiting to meet a friend in
> Shibuya, watch all the young gaigin nampa with their new Japanese
> sentences, no doubt borrowed from "Making Out in Japanese".

And you recognized the source because... ?

Ryan Ginstrom