Michael Cash wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:23:10 +0300, "Haluk Skywalker"
> <yokoolebiri@spam.net> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>> "Jim Griffith" <jrfgrif82@yahoo.com>, haber iletisinde ?unlar?
>> yazd?:2l3lj8F8gnf8U1@uni-berlin.de...
>>> Nobody except legal citizens 'must have' permanent residence in any
>>> country.
>> come again? Perhaps you'll want to rephrase your opinion because in
>> its current state it surely sounds dumb. There are many real life
>> scenarios where only residence permit must be granted to an
>> individual and not the citizenship or nationality. Can you not see
>> that?
> You misread his comment.
> He meant that the only people who must be allowed to stay permanently
> in any country are that country's citizens. Whether anyone else is
> allowed to stay permanently is optional.
Thanks Mike. Didn't think anybody could have misunderstood but I guess
skywanker (dumber and dumber) is any exception.