Hi Sergey Karavashkin ,  You mention ,
" the Sun crown is visually seen up to 54 radii of Sun ,
    and the Earth is 37 radii from Sun .  So naturally , 
    quite abundant flow of Sun particles reaches 
    not only Earth but is detected even at 
    the distances of Jupiter and Saturn .
  But it does not mean that 
    planets can form of these particles . " ,

Why not think of this solar wind as solar weather ,
  including solar rain that condenses into planets ?
  The main obstacle to envisioning this is
  the very large scales of time ,  space ,  and mass-energy
  that are involved .

Relative to the human scale ,
  the lower the momentum of some observed mass-energy ,
  the greater the apparent randomness .
  ( i.e.  The more it looks like heat )