Jeff Relf <Me@Privacy.NET> wrote in message news:<1cz63pwj40o8r.dlg@x.Jeff.Relf>...
> Hi Sergey Karavashkin ,  
>   Re:  Your site ,
> This is what I think you're axiom is ...
> The laws of physics ,  including the speed of light ,
>   are the same regardless of one's hypothetical scale .
> Only I'd add that space, time and heat must all be scaled .
>   ( Where heat is fundamentally random mass-energy .
>       And where it's always one's incomplete information 
>       that  " Causes "  any apparent randomness . )
> What a fantastic axiom ...
>   A refinement to general and special relativity ...
>   At long last .

   It's only a refinement at long last if it happens to pan out
observationally. Does it?
> Re:  The cause of the earth's magnetic field ,
> I think you're saying that the heat and compression
>   inside our planet creates a new state of matter 
>   which is positively charged locally ,
>   but negatively charged outside the planet .
> Re:  Sun spots and such ,
> They're like flowers ,  aren't they ?
> I think you're saying that they explain how planets 
>   would be formed given that 
>   a star's centrifugal force was sufficiently large .
> The ejected matter would then form stable orbits ,
>   creating something like  " Quanta " ...  planets .

   This stinks of Velikovsky. And it also doesn't work. How fast did
the Sun have to be spinning to eject the planets? In addition, what'd
happen to a piece of solar ejecta? Does it form a stable orbit? Not
all by itself it doesn't. It's impossible. With no subsequent delta-V
an ejectile at less than escape velocity will follow a ballistic
trajectory which brings it right back into the Sun. The path starts at
the Sun, and it must end there. What happens if we launch a satellite
to orbit? Once it gets to apoapsis it's necessary to impart a very
specific velocity change to insert it into a stable orbit which
touches the apoapsis tangentially. So where are the ejectile-planets
getting their extra delta-V from once they get out away from the Sun?

-Mark Martin