Jean-Marc Desperrier <> wrote:

> > [...]  Howsumdever, ever since I upgraded, most of the Japanese text
> > comes through as question marks, except for one or two messages like
> > yours. This confuses me further--I could understand if all of the
> > Japanese is stripped out somewhere along the path, but only most of it?
> Because the newer version of MacSoup can handle multiple encoding as 
> input, but can't display something different of the standard european
> alphabet, latin-1.


> So when it receives a message, it identifies what it it, and converts it
> to the latin-1 before displaying, replacing everything that can not be
> represented in latin-1 by '?'.

That doesn't explain how another pair of messages were displayed--the
first was posted by someone who has set up OE correctly for Japanese,
but all the Japanese appeared as ??????. The second was a quote of the
first message, by someone who does not use two-byte languages (and who
said that he'd previously copied some Arabic text and been told it
appeared as ????), but that appeared as kanjibberish that I could
> When the mesage is missing the correct header for identification like
> Haluk's was, MacSoup don't know it should convert, so displays it raw.
> And then your external program can do the conversion.

Um.... Haluk posted two messages. The first (entitled "Kill Bill" and
dated: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 23:07:30 +0200) presumably was without the
correct header and I saw it as ????. The second (the one at the top of
this thread, dated: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 23:08:51 +0200) has kanjibberish
that I can convert. Trouble is, I can't see anything else in the headers
that's significantly different. 
> Submit the problem to the MacSoup author, and ask him to ask a mode to
> force the display of the message as "raw" without conversion to avoid
> this. 

He keeps promising full two-byte support in some future version, but I
have my doubts that will ever happen. 

> (Free)Agent for exemple has an option like this.
> Or stay with the old 2.4.6 version.

Can't--the database has already been converted (and we're trying to drop
all the OS9 applications too). 

Maybe I need to go through the tedious job of checking out newsreaders
again (none of them have all the features I like, but MacSOUP comes

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!