Declan Murphy <> wrote:

> Dave Fossett wrote:
> > Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson wrote:
> > 
> >>What's the name for them again? Also does anyone know of a web site
> >>describing in English what they're supposed to symbolise? Google
> >>doesn't turn up anything useful.
> > 
> > Eh? Carrots? I've been to Japan twice now, but I don't recall seeing
> > anything like this.
> > Any chance of a link to a pic on the web?
> Perhaps Ken's thinking of 赤カブ???

Nope--I assume he means Kyou-ninjin: 

But I wasn't aware of any particular special significance of them at New
Year (except that maybe they make a nice red-and-white contrast with
daikon?). Can't find anything relevant in English, neither....

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!