On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 00:41:30 -0400, Kevin Gowen
<kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:

>Raj Feridun wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 22:33:17 -0400, Kevin Gowen
>> <kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:
>>>Fabian wrote:
>>>>Kevin Gowen hu kiteb:
>>>>>Yeah, why can't he kneel down in front of France like France kneeled
>>>>>before the Third Reich?
>>>>There aren't many examples of armies winning before a technologically 
>>>>and numerically superior foe. There is no shame in not being among 
>>>>these. We all know the USA is in the same camp as France here.
>>>Really? What's the American Vichy? 
>> George Dubya Bush and company.
>That makes absolutely no sense. Do you know what "Vichy" means?

Unless you're referring to the French state of 1940-44 that was a
puppet government of Nazi Germany then no, I don't.

>>>What's the American counterparts of French troops fighting Allied troops in northern Africa?

>> Diplomats licking ass in Pyongyang while troops occupy Baghdad. 


While it's not a perfect analogy, ask yourself WHY would Dubya have no
qualms whatsoever about swooping in on Baghdad, guns a-blazin' based
SOLELY on the suspicion of their production of WOMD yet on the other
hand send diplomats to beg for a treaty with North Korea even though
Mr. Il openly admit to manufacturing nuclear weapons?

Credit to Dubya, he does know how to pick his fights although I'm
quite sure he had no idea Iraq would become quite the quagmire it has.

>> It's all about the WOMD, right Kev?

>No, it's all about maintaining hegemony. Now, smile.

Apparently selective hegemony limited to only those Bush isn't afraid

I was already smiling, Kev. Thanks.
