In article <41796c2e$>, Timothy
<> wrote:

> To make the statement "is it true that the French are sissies" really
> smacks of ignorance.
> A country that has lived through two world wars, has had a colonial
> empire and continues to maintain mandatory military conscription
> should not be refered to as "sissie."
> Thanks to Chirac and his resoluteness the French have proved one
> thing: they don't want to get involved in a stupid occupation of a
> country that would take years to tame (Iraq).  You would think that
> Bush would listen to the French and German leaders and not endeavor
> to occupy such a country. But no! Americans...

You changed subjects.  I think you mean Bush again.

> ...have proved it once again, the U.S. and its new foreign policy is
> naive and ultimately arrogant.

He sure is.

Invest wisely: Over the past 75 years, stocks have averaged annual gains of 2.3
percent under GOP administrations, compared with 9.5 under Democratic ones. 
 -- Jerry Heaster