( wrote in message news:<>...
> (Makoto Taniguchi) wrote in message news:<>...
> > look buddy, I said it once and I will say it again, I am just saying
> > that there are a very good amount of Korean people in Korean and
> > Japanese newsgroups who blame the MODERN Japanese for what happened in
> > WWII. I am saying that OUR generation didn't do jacksquat and that
> > they should blame the Japanese Government instead of us. I am
> > wondering if you're the one who cannot grasp what I meant.
> Can you quote case(s) of, quote, a very good amount of Korean 
> people in Korean and Japanese newsgroups who blame the MODERN 
> Japanese for what happened in WWII, unquote.  
> Make your specific case.  You broadly accuse "Korean people
> blame modern day Japanese for what happened in WWII," but
> you do not have quote specific cases where such accusations
> were done.  That is, you blow hot air without substance.  Make
> your case.

Hey, don't try and make me a criminal read my whole god damn post, it
clearly shows that I did not stereotype Korean people and I did not
generalize I said a good amount of Korean people. Which means I am not
accusing every Korean person and I am not generalizing either. I am
saying some to a good amount of Korean people seems to resent modern
Japanese people

 and no I cannot get quotes supporting it, I am not going through
hundreds and thousands of posts just to get a small speck of bad

I am saying that there are Korean people who still resent the modern
Japanese for what happened in WWII SOME. Not all or generally. Please
do not mistake my post.