Re: Unemployment in Australia now at 4.6%... WHAT ABOUT EUROPE??
CL wrote:
> My wife maintains that my home state has such a high longevity rate
> because all of the weak people froze to death before having a chance to
> reproduce -- and the one's that didn't, ran away. I say it's because
> you can skate across the lake into Canada (or walk across the bridge if
> you're a woosie, eh?) for a hot chocolate and a Tim Horton's donut after
> your Senior Hockey League game.
That kind of thing does toughen you up. It still seems to me that snow
prevents a place from being one of the two nicest places on earth to live.
Of course, I'm a bit spoiled by a place where a chilly day like today
gets down to 24 at night.
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