Apud Alan S <nothere@there.com> (fj.life.in-japan) hoc legimus:
>On Thu, 07 Dec 2006 22:30:26 +0100, Deeply Filled Mortician
><deepfreudmoors@eITmISaACTUALLYiREAL!l.nu> wrote:

>>>I've met many Australians all over the world, from Tokyo to London to
>>>New York, and most of them say life is great in Oz.
>>Pre-bloody-cisely. Australians love Australia, but they are happiest
>>when living somewhere else. Kiwis are the same.

Well, at any point of time about 5% of Australian citizens
and permanent residents, i.e. approx 1M, are living/working outside 
the country. I think the proportion of New Zealanders living/working 
elsewhere is a bit higher. Are they doing that because they are 
"happier"? Maybe; maybe not. When I've been working elsewhere (Japan
and France in my case) it wasn't exactly in the pursuit in 
happiness. Are 95% at home in a state of reduced happiness?
Who knows.

My impression of the reasons Australians and New Zealanders travel
and work in other countries in greater proportions than, say,
Brits and Americans include things like a tradition of doing it
(it's a sort-of rite of passage) and greater opportunities for
varied work and experiences. The opportunities in a country of
20M people are invariably more limited than in one of 300M.

Jim Breen        http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia 