TXZZ a $(D??(Bcrit :

> and if so, then why do americans hate french so much?

I do not know how to answer your question. Maybe french society puts a
higher emphasis on what makes life happier. We are probably more
"rooted" in traditions, regions than north americans are. Money, though
important, is not revered as it is in the US. But as said xxx "All
generalizations are wrong", US host many lifestyles from NY socialites,
to texan rednecks, reclusive amishes, miami weigh lifters and countless

As for the "hate", it is probably not so widespread outside the mass
media. It may be the inability to cope with the fact that other people
are no longer in awe with the so called "American way of life" and US
foreign policy. Hate supposes a strong feeling such as coming from the
betrayal of someone whose love and affection you seek. And what irks
some US commenters is IMHO that french are mostly indifferent (do not
care) about the us which is often tagged as "arrogance". Most of french
loath us foreign policy (as most europeans and US citizens according to
the polls) but have a fondness for us popular culture and us citizens
as individuals (easygoing, friendly...).

I do not know it it helps.