John W. wrote:
> Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>>"John W." wrote:
>>>You will see, however, many examples of
>>>>women or girls of sex objects in American live action movies,
>>>magazines or
>>>>online pay sites such as those with a girl's first name and age
> plus
>>>>com. This month I read the claim that 60%? of child porn online
>>>>in the US. A far cry from the time maybe 80% was claimed to
> originate
>>>I certainly agree it's a problem here. Lately it seems to be
> getting
>>>worse, and I can't help but wonder if the anime influence isn't
> part of
>>You believe that entertainment, and from a foreign source at that,
>>resulted in what we see? Wow.
> In part, yes. Don't read too much into what I said, though; I said
> influence, and I sincerely believe that's true. It does work that way,
> you know; the entertainment industry (of whatever country) is going to
> give audiences stuff that makes said industry more money, and the anime
> trend has been strong for quite some time now. You're probably not
> aware of it since you're not here, but there are even US-made
> anime-style shows. And I do believe this trend has influenced the
> broader spectrum somewhat. (I also believe our reality shows are
> influenced by Japanese shows; some stuff I've seen on Fear Factor, for
> example, is reminiscent of stuff on prime time Japanese shows.)

FWIW, a whole pile of translated manga are showing up in the bookstores
around here, and there's always a couple of teenagers clustered around
intently purusing same. And yes, a couple of teenagers can cluster.
