VISA card problems
Did anybody of you have problems with the office for VISA in Tokyo?
My last VISA payment breakdown contains a monthly payment for an Internet
provider that was canceled 6 months ago, and one of a newsgroup provider in
the USA which was canceled in January. The latter one is billed by a third
I called VISA to block the payment, but the person on the phone said that he
needs to discuss the matter with his superiors, and that he'd get back to me
on Monday. Today is Tuesday, and I haven't heard yet from them. In the past
they have automatically sent a form to fill in and I returned it afterward.
Now you need to negotiate with them?!
It looks like they are reluctant to do this kind of "service". I don't want
to enter a lenghty letter exchange with overseas companies in order to get
my money back which they shouldn't have withdrawn in the first place.
What would you do in this situation? I don't think that VISA has the right
to determine who I should pay and who not...
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