Eric Takabayashi wrote:
> Rykk wrote:
>> Ok, Justify the statement that the US government is not a criminal
>> the same logic you use to say that "criminals are criminals"
> Criminals are criminals. Equal sign. They are not called "former sex
> offender registries".
> You prove a sex offender is not a criminal.

I never said a sex offender is not a criminal so I need prove nothing. You 
said the US goverment is not a criminal.  So you must prove that.

>> Are you saying the US government is innocent and blameless of any
>> wrongdoing?
> If people here claim the Japanese government are free of any WWII
> responsibility, then the US government is as free of responsibility
> for the reasons why the Bill of Rights was passed. Even you are left
> to recall Revolutionary period offenses such as torture.
> You answer the question first. Do you claim the US government is a
> criminal?

Of course it has commited criminal acts.  What else would you infer?  Thats 
why I asked how you said the US goverment is not a criminal.  If a criminal 
is a criminal then certiantly the goverment is subject to the same 
