<grunt100@msn.com> wrote in message
> "USA" <USA@aol.com> wrote in message
> > How do you know? How do you know some other country may not have taken
> > Korea?
> > The Japanese got into Korea to keep the Russians from taking Korea in
> > first place in 1904.
> Typical Japan apologist continue to show off color.  Korea was ripe to
> be taken over anyways.
Typical Korean racist refuses to accept the reality that the Korean
penninsula was
a colonial prize over which nations were at war from the late 1800s onward.
This is
a reality nothing more. Has nothing to do with "apologists".

> > > If Japan had not invaded China, there would not have been such battles
> > China.
> >
> > Sure there would. Ever here of Chiang Kai Shek? Or Mao Tse Tung?
> And you are using Chinese internal conflicts as an excuse for things
> Japan have done?
HAHAHA...of course not. But it is a histrocally irrefutable response to your
absurd statement
that without the Japanese, China would not have been a battlefield.

> > ALL THE TROUBLES..so definite in you mind.
> > If you think for a moment that the historical
> > events of the far east during the period from say 1850 until present day
> > all be blamed
> > on one country alone, then you are an ignorant buffoon.
> Japan has occupied and pilaged Korea, Korean resources, and Korean
> people.
> > > and yet a rocket over Japan is big trouble because Japan is in peace?
> > > I wrote before, let it pass another 50 years and a silly rocket over
> > > Japan will appear harmless.
> >
> > Yes that's right it is big trouble. Do you know why?
> > It's called the US-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty. Go look it up.
> The point of the matter is that, you minimize whatever Japan may
> have done because it happened 50 or so years ago.  On the same
> token, look at North Korean rocket over Japan some 50 years from
> now.  Will you consider such North Korean rocket over Japan 50 years
> from now a harmless exercise?

No I am not minimizing anything, but not because it was 50 years ago
but because it was a time period when colonization was rampant and included
WWII, it can
not be compared to firing a missile over abother country in 1998.
In 1910 the US backed Japan's annexation of Korea. Do you think that today,
the US or
any country would support the annexation of one country by another? Of
course not.
And was shooting a missile over Japan without warning, without provocation
truly nothing
more than a "harmless exzcercise"? I think that depends on how things
develop. The US certainly did not
think it was harmless. Certainly the Japanese populace who had been
anti-military up till then didn't.
And if Japan does go all out militarily, we have no one to thank but North