"J.C. Bengtson" <golbez@ptd.net> wrote in message
> Michael Wignall wrote:
> > Why would Naoko rage at her daughter?
> Caspar, the MAGI that contained the personality of Naoko "as
> a woman" was the last one to hold out when it was invaded by
> an Angel, and it also was the one out of the three that rejected
>  Ritsuko's command to self-destruct when she was in Terminal
> Dogma with Gendo and Rei III. And seeing as how those
> personalities were obviously transplanted when she was alive,
>  if she herself was "in" EVA-00, it would react similarly.

The _woman_ part of Naoko's personality chose Gendou over
Ritsuko. The Mother and Scientist parts of Naoko (in the Magi)
choose Ritsuko (ie, chose to go along with Ritsuko, and self-destruct).
Overall Naoko chose Ritsuko, however it only needed to woman
side to veto the command. That situation just shows the woman
side of Naoko choosing her man, which makes perfect sense.
Overally Naoko would still chose her daughter, and in the series
there is absolutely no evidence that Eva-00 knew about Ritsuko
and Gendou.

> Yes, my evidence is probably still flawed, but I wanted to point
> out that I did have a little more to work on. Gimme some time
> and I'll try and find more. ;)

Did you come up with this idea yourself? Or did you read it somewhere?
It seems to me that people just read that Naoko is in Eva-00, think
that it must be true without ever actually having looked at it closely.
There is _nothing_ in the series that supports that theory. Really the
only thing going for the theory is that Naoko is a woman and she is
dead. Everything else is just pure conjecture, never supported once
in the series proper.

Michael Wignall
"Tomorrow's just an excuse away..."