Michael Wignall wrote:
> Why would Naoko rage at her daughter?

Ritsuko: Before my mother died, she told me the three MAGI represented
the three portions of herself. Herself as a woman, herself as a
scientist, and herself as a mother. I don't think I'm the kind of person
to ever have children, so I didn't think much about her as a mother, but
I did respect her as a scientist. However, I hated her as a woman.


Caspar, the MAGI that contained the personality of Naoko "as a woman"
was the last one to hold out when it was invaded by an Angel, and it
also was the one out of the three that rejected Ritsuko's command to
self-destruct when she was in Terminal Dogma with Gendo and Rei III. And
seeing as how those personalities were obviously transplanted when she
was alive, if she herself was "in" EVA-00, it would react similarly.

Yes, my evidence is probably still flawed, but I wanted to point out
that I did have a little more to work on. Gimme some time and I'll try
and find more. ;)

> If you are referring to
> Gendou and Ritsuko getting together, there is no way that Naoko
> would know that. I mean Eva-00 doesn't take part in NERV gossip,
> unless Gendou and Ritsuko actually got down and dirty in front
> on Eva-00 it would have no idea what was going on there.

I doubt that, but Gendo does "talk" to Unit 01 and calls it "Yui", and
Misato wonders at one point if the "Eva's hate us". So it's not
altogether impossible.. but yeah, unlikely on that front.

J.C. Bengtson - "Makoru"
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