
Can anybody please compile a small program for me on a NeWS-OS 68k

As I have posted before, I own a Sony NWS-1850 that I cannot get to
boot. I now have gotten a working Sony NWS-1250, which has NeWS-OS 4.0C
installed. I am trying to netboot the NWS-1850 fom the NWS-1250.

But.. the NWS-1250 asks for a registration key:
Input your registration number for 0x688c4ae : 

I have a program to generate the registration number, but it is partly
in assembly. I cannot compile it on non-NeWS-OS systems (I have tried

Could somebody please compile this program and run it for me, so I have
a working registration number? Please mail me or post and I will send
the program.

Kind regards,
Walter Belgers        "Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus
walter@giga.nl          Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!"