Scripsit ille aut illa »Psaiyan Prince Vegeta« <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism>:
> On 14 May 2003 12:59:14 GMT, Rudolf Polzer <> wrote:
> >No. They shrink and grow as the temperature requires. Ever seen a
> >thermometer in NGE? No? You should know the temperatures vary between
> >-20°C and 50°C. And of course, the thermal expansion coefficients
> >are BIG. And temperatures may change rapidly.
> Wasn't it stated in the series that one of the effects of Second
> Impact was a severe fluctuation in the earth's climate?
> I believe we may have our answer...

We do.

The fact that there is no thermometer visible is because they didn't
know how to correctly calculate the thermal expansion of some things,
like EVAs and breasts. They didn't have any chance to measure the former,
and probably they just forgot about the latter. Or they thought it was
pointless anyway because it might contradict with the EVA's size changes.

Not that in 201x someone DOES the measurements and concludes that GAINAX
were wrong...

And yes, now I understand why there is that statement about climate
change. It probably isn't good for anything else...


(V xabj gung gur grzcrengher qvssreraprf va gur oernfgf ner cebonoyl ZHPU
fznyyre guna gubfr va gur RINf, gurersber gurl zhfg unir UHTR gurezny
rkcnafvba pbrssvpvragf --- creuncf FV qvq punatr guvf, gbb)

But most likely other e-mail programs like Eudora are not designed to
enable virus replication.