On Fri, 01 May 2009 08:56:22 GMT, David Johnston <david@block.net>

>On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 02:04:03 -0400, Merrick Baldelli
><mbaldelli@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 16:07:14 -0700 (PDT), Traveler
>><qwrtz123@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Unfortunatly I have to agree with you.  Trek doesn't need a new movie,
>>>it needs a serious series set ~100 years after TNG.
>>        I don't think we could see the Prime Directive murdered any
>>more than it always has been.   100 years into the future you say?
>>What will the Prime Suggestion be then?  The Prime Satire?  
>Given the trend in the franchise, by that point it would be reasonable
>to think that the Prime Directive would have evolved into a total
>refusal to make contact with any alien species.  

        *laughing*  Star Trek: The Isolationist Generation.

        I think that's rather catchy.

-=-=-/ )=*=-='=-.-'-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
   _( (_ , '_  *   .               Merrick Baldelli
  (((\ \>  /_1   `                 
  (\\\\ \_/ / 
-=-\       /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    \    _/  Who are these folks and why have they 
    /   /    stopped taking their medication? 
             - Captain Infinity