On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 02:04:03 -0400, Merrick Baldelli
<mbaldelli@yahoo.com> wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 16:07:14 -0700 (PDT), Traveler
><qwrtz123@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Unfortunatly I have to agree with you.  Trek doesn't need a new movie,
>>it needs a serious series set ~100 years after TNG.
>    I don't think we could see the Prime Directive murdered any
>more than it always has been.   100 years into the future you say?
>What will the Prime Suggestion be then?  The Prime Satire?  

Given the trend in the franchise, by that point it would be reasonable
to think that the Prime Directive would have evolved into a total
refusal to make contact with any alien species.