In article <>,
 Michael Cash <> wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 00:09:40 +0900, Rodney Webster
> <> brought down from the Mount tablets
> inscribed:
> >In article <>,
> > Michael Cash <> wrote:
> >
> >> On 11 Jul 2004 13:19:45 -0700, (Heywood Mogroot)
> >> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> >> 
> >> >I don't knock Japanese cooking, and I think a synthesis will have a
> >> >lot more good Japanese food than American, but some days yous just
> >> >gotta go back to yer roots.
> >> 
> >> This does the trick for me:
> >
> >I produce something that looks remarkably similar to that once every few 
> >days.  I'm sure if I took enough fiber and dried it on the veranda I 
> >could get the same texture and feel.
> >
> >How much are you willing to pay for some of my specially produced stuff?
> Depends. Can you hickory smoke it? Underneath, it's all the same, but
> I'm just so used to that good hickory smoked flavor now it would be
> hard to change.

Dunno.  I could eat some hickory nuts - you know how nuts tend to go in 
one end and come out the other intact.  I could even pick out the corn 
for a small price.

Rodney Webster