On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 08:54:49 -0700, "Bryce"
<fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on
going with:

>"Michael Cash" <mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote in message
>> On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 16:45:51 -0700, "Bryce"
>> <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> belched the alphabet and kept on
>> going with:
>> >
>> >"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
>> >news:1KGib.327$l63.145@news1.dion.ne.jp...
>> >> "Bryce" <fukuzzz@takethisout.hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > There's 2!
>> >>
>> >> But I thought you were looking for *fans*.
>> >> I expect even most of us Japan-newbies have at least heard of them.
>> >> Personally I wouldn't know what they sound or look like, but it is not
>> >hard
>> >> to guess.
>> >>
>> >> -- 
>> >> Dave Fossett
>> >> Saitama, Japan
>> >
>> >
>> >wow.
>> >
>> In case you hadn't figured it out yet, Bryce, we're all sufficiently
>> impressed with what a crusty old-timer you are. You can quit trying so
>> hard. Time for the pony to learn a new trick already.
>I don't see why you keep looking at it on those terms. 

Normally, we don't. It's the one sort of boorishness we consider
beneath even us. And as low as our standards are, that's saying

>It seems like some of
>you guys are in the shower looking at bigger guy's sausages are something.
>Give it a break already.

Yes, Mr. Pott.

Perhaps it has escaped your notice that the others weren't gleefully
excoriating each other for (perceived) newbieness when you climbed
into the sandbox with us. You're the one who jumped in with both feet
whipping your old-timer wienie around for all to worship and admire.

Unfortunately, Bryce, that really doesn't mean shit around here. My
personal opinion is that the amount of time a person has been in Japan
is a reliable indicator of one thing and one thing only: the amount of
time a person has been in Japan. If it makes you happy, that you were
here in the 80s has been duly noted and recorded. But in a group where
not only were a lot of us here *in* the 80s but have been here pretty
much constantly *since* the 80s (or before?), that fact that you began
your bouncing in and out of the place back then really doesn't count
for much.

Those who actually *have* been here for entirely too long, have long
ago figured out that it really doesn't signify anything and in itself
is deserving of no particular awe from anyone. Being proud of having
been in Japan longer than others is sort of like being proud of being
the tallest kid in the second grade. It isn't an accomplishment; stay
in the second grade long enough and anybody can do it.

Consequently, putting others down for not having been here as long as
one's self is boorish, insecure, locker room wienie wagging. You come
in here swaggering about as though you think you must have a kielbasa
slapping from thigh-to-thigh, the THWAP!s echoing off the tile of the
fjlij shower walls, yet the content of what you say leaves us
scratching our heads and wondering why the guy with the cocktail frank
is vigorously shaking his crotch in our faces.

It's nice to have you with us, Bryce. You spice the place up. You're a
colorful and engaging guy. But let's quit putting down others for not
having gotten here when you did. I'm sure if the other parties had
known they were in a race, they would have tried to get here sooner.