We sadly announce the death of Shannon Jacobs on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:06:38 -0000
after being stricken by fj.life.in-japan Disease. The will states:

>You [who I vaguely recall as one of the old-timers of flij] like my
>comment for being "brief and to-the-point"? Are you actually so
>desperate to elicit contributions? But wait. That's only after you've
>finished chopping the post to decontextualized bits? I would rest my
>point, but you motivate me to add that I also regard most of the
>'regulars' of flij as insincere a*THUNT* uhhharrrgggh.

[The 2 has just nailed Ms. Jacobs in the left shoulder blade with a tranquilizer
dart. She slides to the floor like a party balloon full of Jello, eyes open but
unseeing. Her left leg twitches involuntarily but otherwise she is still.]

Hi, guys. Usenet Wildlife Commission. Sorry, every once in a while we get one of
these wandering around in the *strangest* places. Don't worry, girl; you'll be
back where you belong in no time.

[Here he staples a radio transmitter to her ear, an action which would cause
soul-cauterizing pain to a conscious person. Luckily, she is out cold, and can't
feel a thing.]

All right, now to get you into the carrier and haul you back to alt.flame to be
released back into the wild. After a couple medical tests, of course. For the
same of completeness.

[He drags her into the back of the pickup.]

Sorry about the intrusion. You see any more of these around here, just give a

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The alt.fan.karl-malden.nose Webcenter Museum: 
auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20
Top Usenet Asshole #16
Lits Slut #4

"Bocce, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!"
-- Uncle Owen, _Star Pulp_