On Aug 24, 9:33 am, "Dave Fossett" <re...@via.newsgroup> wrote:
> Shannon Jacobs wrote:
> > Anyway, it's actually on the bargain 11th floor of the neighboring
> > Takashimaya Department Store. I was especially impressed by the range
> > of non-fiction books in the inventory reduction category, where the
> > prices were also the best. The other main category is special
> > purchases from distressed distributors, some of whom seem to have good
> > reason for distress. I spent about two hours selecting a few books
> > yesterday, but a clerk told me they have lots more inventory yet to be
> > displayed. I'll probably make a second visit over the weekend, and I
> > think it continues until next Monday or Tuesday.
> Thanks for the heads-up - and thanks for keeping it so brief and
> to-the-point for a change.

You [who I vaguely recall as one of the old-timers of flij] like my
comment for being "brief and to-the-point"? Are you actually so
desperate to elicit contributions? But wait. That's only after you've
finished chopping the post to decontextualized bits? I would rest my
point, but you motivate me to add that I also regard most of the
'regulars' of flij as insincere at best and boring liars the rest of
the time.

If motivating such an exchange was *NOT* your real intention, then why
did you say anything? And more specifically, why did you say it to
*ME*? You added no actual content. Nothing of value in your backhanded

If you had any sincere interest in dialog (and just picking on the
first constructive example that comes to mind), you could have asked
whether or not I noticed any books of specific interest to you.
Assuming your pretended interest was sincere, I might have pointed you
directly at the book of your dreams at a great price. I did look at
hundreds of titles yesterday.

Oh. I get it. You're either trying to prove to yourself that you still
exist or that flij isn't as dead as you've made it. I'll probably see
you again in a year or two, assuming your self-induced state of
boredom hasn't killed you yet. [I confess in my case it's obon-induced
boredom that caused me to stop by. <humor type="sarcasm">I can't thank
you enough for reminding me to check my office email.</humor>]

The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying laundry soap or a war.
Bushevik deadenders are simply slaves to the neo-GOP lies.