"John Yamamoto-Wilson" <johndeletethis@rarebooksinjapan.com> wrote in
message news:3a5763F645cuhU1@individual.net...
> > This is a crime and animal abuse in Japan.
> Which Japanese law do you think he would be breaking? Remember, he has not
> harmed the animal, and his proposal is to kill it within the law (i.e., by
> taking it to someone with a licence to slaughter).

It's obviously a blackmail case. "Kyoukatsu" in the criminal law.

> > It's ridiculous that the brutal Angloworld allow this this
> > fucking criminal.
> What a silly, racist thing to say. "Angloworld" has had strict laws and
> societies preventing cruelty to animals since the 19th century. Japan has
> only enacted laws preventing cruelty to animals in very recent times, and
> even now there are bear parks, etc., still open in Japan that fail to meet
> even the most minimal standards of animal welfare.

What a racist, stupid to say as if the "Angloworld" is gentle to animals
than Japan is. You don't know nothing about Japan. You should learn about
the Shogun Tsunayoshi.
Actually, after the Meiji restoration, it became like the West and some
stupid Westernized Japanese started to eat mammals, and started to abuse
animals. But traditionally, Japanese hate to abuse animals, especially
mammals just like Tsunayoshi was.

British woman Isabella L. Bird who traveled Japan in1878, only ten years
later the Meiji restoration, described in her book "Unbeaten Tracks in
Japan", the local people in Tohoku did never sell her any chicken because
they knew she was going to eat it. Japanese at that time only had a habit of
eating eggs, not chickens and they hated her killing chickens. The reason
why there the burakumin issue still exists in Japan is because of this.
Tohoku at that time was nothing Westernized.

Not only in the Tsunayoshi's period, animals, especially mammals are very
protected in Japan ever since the ancient times. Some Japanese became cool
to animals because of the Meiji restoration that adopted the brutal Western
civilization abusing animals. The government still adopt the Western things
and despise Japanese tradition just like those pseudo-Westerners Kobejaps so
they are indifferent about the animal abuse.

> > This is nothing but blackmailing like yaluzas do and the authorities
> > send this criminal to a prison.
> The guy is claiming it was a hoax. However, if he received and accepted
> money on this basis then quite possibly he has broken the law in some way,
> in which case he will doubtless be dealt with.
> --
> John
> http://rarebooksinjapan.com