"bitter anko" <anko@eater.com> wrote in message
> What a racist, stupid to say as if the "Angloworld" is gentle to animals
> than Japan is. You don't know nothing about Japan. You should learn about

You should learn about SHUT THE HELL UP, because you don't know what you're
talking about.

> Actually, after the Meiji restoration, it became like the West and some
> stupid Westernized Japanese started to eat mammals, and started to abuse
> animals. But traditionally, Japanese hate to abuse animals, especially
> mammals just like Tsunayoshi was.


Which is why Japan boasts the highest priced beef in the world (mmm, Mishima

And don't even TRY to tell me there's no market for venison whatsoever, what
with all the FREAKING DEER running loose eating everything green in sight...

Betcha you don't eat any pork either, right?

Bet nobody in Japan ever ate pork, beef, venison, or anything of the like
before us stupid, ignorant, malicious Westerners came along.

Oh, but eating fish was plenty fine, right? Except they're animals too.
They're just not mammals. Gee. What  a travesty.

> The reason why there the burakumin issue still exists in Japan is because
> this.

The eta (burakumin) issue is a Buddhist thing, not a Japanese thing.
Granted, it's mostly only in Japan this stupidity happened, but let's be
clear on it being a *religious persecution issue*.

Not that the Japanese need excuses to be racist or bigoted.

Or, apparently, ignorant and stupid--assuming you ARE Japanese. Which,
frankly, I rather highly doubt.

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