Raj Feridun <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote in message news:<lapvd011f1ddntg3lbmkd45prdmv7gplm9@4ax.com>...

<<Indeed, check out the piece I posted from 4 years ago. Christopher
Hitchens needs to stop calling the kettle black.>>

Even if you are a stinking lying bastard, I am going to reply nicely
to you. (I mind my manners, you know.) This was about Moore,
undeveloped putz, not about Hitchens. You had ZILCH to address
Hitchens's review, so you cowardly try to attack Hitchens' credibility
with a 4 years old article which in no way addresses the point of
Moore's lies.

Excuse me for asking, Mr. or Mrs. (you seem undecided) Feridun, but
was your hard-working syphilitic mother stealing the wallets of her
customers, after fully servicing them?

Did you by any chance meet Shannon Jacobs when you both had that
sex-change surgery meant to have you savor the sublime benefits of

And, before I forget, who did you fondly call for Fathers' Day? All
the members of the American-Japanese Truck-Drivers Union?
