On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 19:02:45 +0900, "Shannon Jacobs"
<shanen@my-deja.com> wrote:

>However, my new question is about the move Fahrenheit 9/11. As suggested in
>the new Subject: line, from what I've been hearing of the reaction in
>America, I think Dubya is toast now, but I still want the pleasure of
>personally witnessing the instrument of his political destruction. From
>today's discussion with the local Warner Mycal people, I'm pretty sure that
>this big theater chain will not be carrying the movie. (Also nothing on the
>Michael Moore Web site yet.)

>So what's the scoop? When and where will Fahrenheit 9/11 be shown in Japan?

Wow, it's a miracle, we actually agree on something. I want to see the
movie too. I wrote an e-mail to Moore asking him about a Japanese
release but I doubt he'll even see it much less answer it. If anyone
else has any information on the movie in Japan I'd be appreciative.

However, this movie is not sealing Bush's fate. There are legions of
right wing knee-jerk ignoramouses who refuse to even SEE the film for
themselves while feeling completely comfortable with blasting the
movie as crap and Moore as a propagandist.
