tm wrote:

> C.Brady wrote:
>> Brett Robson wrote:
>>>Apparently Kant was a real pissant.
>>Perhaps you're rejecting Immanuel Kant's contributions to metaphysics,
>>epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics, but if so, please explain your
>>opposition in an organized manner.
>>Until you do, your argument (Apparently Kant was a real puissant), is
>>just an empty assertion and as such merits no consideration.
>>I'd appreciate your clarification....
> Could i be the first to say, "whoosh"? 
> Oh, what sad times these are. There is a pestilence upon this land. 
> Nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are 
> under considerable economic stress at this period in history. 
> Something in the soc.culture ngs seems to suck the cultural humour 
> right out of people.