On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 21:39:00 +0100, Chika <miyuki@spam.no.way> wrote:

<x-post restored>

>Certainly. However, the discussion of the relative size of an artificial
>being's mammories crossposted over three groups like this is not
>specifically a UK matter.

It is a discussion based upon characters from a popular anime series
which has been released in the UK and which may be of interest to UK
anime fans.

>Let's face it, you only do it because you know it annoys the natives...

Not at all. I was merely following up (with new information) to a
previous thread which had been crossposted to the above three groups
and in which many of the replies came from UMAA. I couldn't care less
for the opinion of the handful of people who have taken it upon
themselves to speak for the group. I do not believe that I have broken
any rules.

>True, but it is then their option to ignore you. 


>Some folk may even decide to use a killfile.


>Some folk may even decide to
>call in your ISP to control what might be argued to be a troll. 

If they think they have any evidence of wrongdoing on my part then I
suggest that they do whatever their conscience tells them to...

>You have obviously been reading "How to write like a wanker". If not, then
>you are a natural but could do with some revision. See
><http://www.guidenet.net/resources/wanker.html> for further details.

Please cite which of the points on the above page apply to me.
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne - 
ICQ: 339380091

I rode a tank
Held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank...

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