"Brett Robson" <jet_boy@deja.com> wrote in message

> www.gol.com has all of those and the best English support in the country,
> native English speakers  speakers in every section, including support.
> (disclaimer: I work in the network section of GOL) We are not the cheapest
> our network is one of the best, very good support and actively anti spam.

I am not with gol, I don't think you are in the area anyway. But I have a
question about what ISP do about anti-spam. That means what exactly  active
anti-spam ?

The thing is a number of my e-mails(those from my cousin in particular) are
not transmitted, I receive a little note saying they have deleted the spam
or viruses.
Arigato, kedo...I never give my adress to spammers, only to people that
don't have viruses (they send from workplaces with top-notch unviruses like
banks, etc). I wonder if the ISP didn't settle a filter that blocks any
group mailing from gaikoku. Or they block anything from a certain country (I
think my cousin sends from Luxembourg) ? Or anything with a name of company
? Or anything from certain foreign ISPs?
That's not important as my cousin can send me her idiot jokes at another
adress, but I'd like to know.

I had the girl of my provider on the phone the other day, she is terribly
clueless, I don't even know why she called me and she couldn't tell
either....well she doesn't know what an e-mail is of course, that's why she
calls people. Japan would no longer be Japan without such absurdities.