"Disaster" <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote in message news:<um9akun9be237d@corp.supernews.com>...
> "esper41" <esper41@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > "Disaster" <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote:
> > > "esper41" <esper41@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > > > I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your post, and I certainly didn't mean
> > > > to offend you as much as I seem to have done - perhaps we should
>  just
> > > > agree to disagree on this, I don't want to makean enemy of you.
> > >
> > > How old are you?
> >
> > A lady never tells.  Unfortunately I'm a guy, so you've put me in a
> > rather awkward position -do I lie, tell the truth or simply refuse to
> > answer?  All three options have different positive and negative
> > results (if I say I'm young I risk my credibility, yet I earn the
> > chance to prove my point by trying to write intelligent, well
> > thought-out posts from now on; if I say I'm older, I am more likely to
> > be considered an equal, yet I lose the afformentioned oppertunity; and
> > if I decline toindicate either way, I get myself out of thisrather
> > sticky situation, yet you are almostguaranteed to decide one way or
> > another for yourself), so I have to ask, Disaster, do you really care?
> Well, I have made several observations in your reply. First your attempt
> to dodge a loaded question is admirable but the positives you have listed
> are all vulnerable as well. A youngling who writes an intelligent post can
> be accused of acquiring assistance, if you are of equal or greater age
> then you would have agreed with me long ago, refusing to answer is as good
> as admitting guilt. This is not court by the way so don't bother quote
> laws. Bottom line is the answer I will respect is an honest one and as I
> have already made up my mind as to your rough age I would like to
> compliment you on your relative maturity. I won't point out that you
> forgot to use a spell checker and that some of your words are missing
> spaces.
> Now to your question, meant to throw me off track. Do I care? Hmmm, well
> yes I do. Otherwise I would not have asked. You see your answer gives me
> fuel to fire my side of the argument. Thus I do care to hear you answer
> because it is to my benefit in proving that the young will never outthink
> the old.
> Thanks for not answering. It gave me the opportunity to answer for you.

eep.  I just expected you to say 'no' - you're smarter than I thought.
 You seem to have already worked it out (so you will no doubt accuse
me of only answering because it makes little difference now, and you
may be right) but I'm 15.  I would like to say that I still stand by
my beliefs; I agree that - as a collective - the young could never
out-think the old, but I firmly believe that some individuals can
break free of the restrictions that age places upon them - I'm not one
of them, but I'm not black either and I still think that the Klu Klux
Klan have some pretty fucked up ideas.  Anyhoo, you've somehow managed
to make me feel even more worthless than I already knew myself to be -
so have a muffin - but for the love of god let's not continue arguing.