Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
> necoandjeff wrote:
>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>> Nice try but I didn't say "200kg of mass".
>>>> Yes, but it would have been better if you did.
>>> No. It's 200kg of force not mass. This force comes from
>>> accleration. Newton's First?  F=ma.
>> Hey Brett. Even Kevin's little poodle understands that you have
>> consistently been talking about mass as if it were a force. Mass is
>> measured in kilograms buddy., acceleration is measured in meters per
>> second squared, and force is measured in Newtons (not,
>> unfortunately, Einsteins, though we may understand if you were
>> confused by this.) A Newton is, surprisingly enough, equal to the
>> force required to accelerate 1 kilogram, one meter per second
>> squared, as suggested by F=ma. It's good of you to throw out that
>> equation 3 or 4 times in the same thread, but you might want to take
>> the time to understand it first. Arf, arf!!
> g=1

That was a beautiful butsurigaku non-sequitor, Brett. What does the  gravity
constant have to do with the fact that you are consistently confusing the
units used to measure mass and force in this thread? Arf, arf!!
