Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:

>>> Nice try but I didn't say "200kg of mass".
>> Yes, but it would have been better if you did.
> No. It's 200kg of force not mass. This force comes from
> accleration. Newton's First?  F=ma.

Hey Brett. Even Kevin's little poodle understands that you have consistently
been talking about mass as if it were a force. Mass is measured in kilograms
buddy., acceleration is measured in meters per second squared, and force is
measured in Newtons (not, unfortunately, Einsteins, though we may understand
if you were confused by this.) A Newton is, surprisingly enough, equal to
the force required to accelerate 1 kilogram, one meter per second squared,
as suggested by F=ma. It's good of you to throw out that equation 3 or 4
times in the same thread, but you might want to take the time to understand
it first. Arf, arf!!