<snip a big stack of wah>
> Well, first off.  You personally can't own a thread let along a NG, so I
> don't have to get off of YOUR INTERNET!

Never said i did o.o would you like to re-read what i wrote, perhaps maybe
underlining the location i said "UMAA IS MINE!" or whatever it was you
imagine i said? nice bit of hysteria, by the way.

> Secondly, everyone knows where
> you're from, because you guys keep complaining about the UK NG, so you
> have to cross-post.  All you have to do is post to our newsgroup

but how can it be your newsgroup? you personally can't own a thread, let
alone a newsgroup.

> and we'd
> get the message.

Yes, now, once again, please re-read what i wrote and pay attention this
time. which newsgroup are you in? that was the point, and why crossposting
is being used. Do You See? The fact that all it would take is one
non-crossposted message to your newsgroup to make this stupidity stop does
highlight the fact that you know you're trolling. frankly, i don't care. but
i'm trying to have a bit of consideration for the other people who reside in
UMAA. i'm sure you know what consideration is... oh, wait, maybe you don't

>  Cross-posting, is cross-posting, is cross-posting.  You're
> breaking your own charter by cross-posting no matter what your reason is,
> therefore making yourself, as you love to call everyone not in the UK, A
> WANKER!  So stop whining, stop being a martyr, and get over it.

I'm not the one presuming everyone in the UK calls me a wanker when my back
is turned. Now that's martyrdom. and paranoia. I don't think you're a
wanker, I think you're a twat. and it's absolutely nothing to do with you
being an american. And a charter is not a law, merely a strongly recommended
way of behaving that I normally abide by, but if a few crossposts is what it
takes to make you fuck off and stop bothering us, i'm prepared to catch the
shit from my peers. i promise i'll stop crossposting to you, if you stop
crossposting to UMAA.
