"Dano" <danosenpaiNOSPAMPLEASE@ntlworld.comISAIDNOSPAM> wrote in message
> <snip utterly pointless debate on fictional baps and an outlining of the
> UMAA charter>
> >  Well, the only problem that some people are having is that things
> > are being cross-posted.  To fix this, if anyone wants to cross-post,
> please
> > post something in one group, copy and paste and post the same thread
> > another group, there-by making the few people who like to through a fit
> > happy, and adhering to their charter.  They can't complain about this
> > because their only complaint is that this is being cross-posted.
> > already agreed that it is relevant, it is anime, and it is released in
> > US, UK, and JAPAN.  So in closing, all I have to say is...  Mmm..
> Hey. Get out more.
> there's no objection to the method you suggest here, that way any
> threads about who has the bigger tits (hint: it's neither, they're both
> 2-dimensional representations of humans, HTH) can be safely ignored
> turning into big bloated fanboy masturbation frenzies like this one.
> i suppose it's a small blessing that real women don't have anything to
> about from you and your jizz-stained wallscrolls.
> > Sorry, I forgot to invite our cry-baby UK cross-posters...  BTW, isn't
> > complaining through your cross-posting of your own in violation to your
> > charter?  Mmm..  Me thinks you're a hypocrite.
> Methinks you're a twat. The reason for the crossposting is because no-one
> knows which of the other newsgroups you and your scary friends originate
> from, so to be sure to get the message across, a crosspost has to be
> employed. how about you all go back and play in your side of the sandpit
> we'll stay in ours.
> -Dano

Well, first off.  You personally can't own a thread let along a NG, so I
don't have to get off of YOUR INTERNET!.  Secondly, everyone knows where
you're from, because you guys keep complaining about the UK NG, so you don't
have to cross-post.  All you have to do is post to our newsgroup and we'd
get the message.  Cross-posting, is cross-posting, is cross-posting.  You're
breaking your own charter by cross-posting no matter what your reason is,
therefore making yourself, as you love to call everyone not in the UK, A
WANKER!  So stop whining, stop being a martyr, and get over it.

Spreading the love like jam... All over your buns.
--The Foot with the Funk has spoken.