In article <>, says...
> Vernon North <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > In article <JChgd.6282$9R4.1075@trndny09>, says...
> > > If you haven't noticed I only respond to racist assinine chinese garbage.
> > > Maybe anko and red cloud start some threads, but the VAST MAJORITY
> > > of such threads are started by Chinese. And lately by singaore chinese.
> > > 
> > Perhaps that is true, I can't say.  But even if it is, the vast majority 
> > of Singapore Chinese I have met are decent, fair people.  Not like the 
> > few misanthropes who post here.  IMO, the fact that they're Singapore 
> > Chinese (if it's true) is not even worth mentioning since it cites an 
> > irrelevant fact.  
> Freddie was telling the truth.  That is also the statistics I get.

What statistics?  

> The sin of the Sinpaporean Chinese is that they parrot after its
> big brother China to assist their anti-Japan & anti-America sentiments,
> and promote China-centeredness in East Asia.
Until I see the statistics, I'll continue to believe you're indulging in 
