I installed Suse on a Thinkpad X31 notebook (used a Suse 9.1 Special 
Edition CD found in a magazine).

The installation went surprisingly smooth - even easier than installing 
XP. I gave a first try to Linux in 1998 and have to say that since then 
Linux has made a *HUGE* (can't stress the 'huge' enough) progress in the 
desktop area.

I liked the user interface, but wasn't able to get the Internet 
connection to work. Under XP (installed on another HD) I have Internet 
access through the WLAN card of the notebook, which connects to a D-Link 
WLAN router, which is connected to a DSL line.

Suse Linux should have asked for the password of the WLAN air interface 
(the 104 bit password), but it did not. Clicking on the KInternet icon 
produced an error message saying that either smpppd wasn't started or 
that I was not in the out group or something like that.

Can anybody help ?


Alfred Molon
Olympus 5060 resource - http://myolympus.org/5060/
Olympus 8080 resource - http://myolympus.org/8080/