BuckFush wrote:
> christoforever wrote:
>> crono cross a bad game? cant be. a little rough around the edges but
>> a great game overall. from the Art Style, to its 107 i think
>> different characters to pick up, to its enormous depth, and a pretty
>> good story, what could possibly be wrong?
> You're probably thinking of Suikoden, Cross had about 40 characters
> iirc but thats besides the point.
> It's been a while now, and after all I had only played something like
> 10 or 12 hours of CC before I put it down for good - but I do
> remember realizing very quickly that *none* of the elements that made
> the original so engrossing were present aside from the word CHRONO in
> the title.   And feeling completely cheated and disgusted with a game
> for which I had been waiting almost 5 years.
> I might just give it another try one of these days, though, but I'm
> not really looking forward to it - the memories are still painful.

I did kinda like the ending.  It tied alot of stuff together, but I almost 
felt like it was just added for the fanboys.  I always wondered where Schala 
went off to.  I guess we know now.  But what about lucca calling serge janus 
in that recorded message?  Were they trying to say that he is related 
somehow?  He has the same color hair, but other than that I'm not sure.
