In article <bcjfg0$cco$>, 
>"Kay" <> wrote in message
>> In article <1OnGa.290$>,
>> >You obviously have no idea what the word means.
>> >Do you know what "hypocrite" means?
>> Yes, I do.  It means someone like you.
>Kay...I don't know why you bother with this bloke "USA" is clear th
>he is no match for you...okay everybody else.
>This does remind me of Sowa though...he was a misogynist too (although I
>making an implicit assumption that you are female) in the sense that he
>could not handle being pointed out how wrong he was by a female. He also
> had
>this trait of taking one very minute point and latching onto it even tho
>it had nothing to do with the argument at hand.


You have a point there.  As an old saying goes,
it's like reading scripture to a cow's ear.